TPJ Systems, Inc. is an information technology and strategy services company dedicated to providing quality healthcare integration technology at surprisingly affordable prices.
TPJ Systems consists of experienced business leaders, technology architects, project managers, and application developers who serve clients as both the architect and software contractor to meet their technology management and infrastructure needs. Our developer’s experience ranges from over 45 to 10 years of technical experience.
TPJ Systems Healthcare Integration experience provides you with a team of Healthcare Integration Developers who have real integration experience and knowledge. TPJ Healthcare Consultants can work as part of your existing IT infrastructure, or as a separate integration team. Our healthcare consultants will help your team determine the real value of integration applications and what to realistically expect from these applications.
TPJ Systems has assisted a variety of health care provider organizations. These include major academic teaching hospitals, integrated deliver networks/systems, and managed care organizations.
In addition TPJ Systems prepares strategic information systems/technology plans, acts as project manager, and provides education via conferences, studies, publications, mentorship programs, and on site training.
On many occasions TPJ Systems is retained by large healthcare information technology consulting firms in short-term need of persons with solid industry background and technical experience.
To find out more regarding TPJ Systems please send Tom Mitas an email.
Tom Mitas
Founder, Senior Integration Analyst
Tom’s background includes thirty-five years of software development, management and consulting with a focus to ensure that customer satisfaction is the paramount objective. Tom consistently functions in key leadership roles to multiple clients for their interface development needs. Tom cultivates an excellent rapport with hospital clients, vendors, management, and other developers.
Tom’s Achievements
President, CEO, Vice President of Development, Vice President of Operations, Consultant, Interface Developer, Lead Technical Adviser, Corporate HL7 representative, Global Interface Developer, Product Manager, Branch Manager, Systems Representative
Tom is a forward thinking corporate leader who maintains a constant eye on emerging technology. He delivers to all projects insight, enthusiasm, and extensive experience in hospital information systems, and interface development while preserving excellent client relationships. As an Interface Developer/Architect Tom contributes a diverse skill set which includes; 35 years of Application Development experience using Cloverleaf 3.8 5.0, VB6, Tcl, VB.Net, project management experience, team development, established client/vendor relationships, full life cycle development and its continued support.
Integration Experience
Completed Interfaces
Custom Code
Integration Experience
Completed Interfaces
Custom Code
Josh Mitas
Senior Integration Analyst
Joshua’s continued delivery as a Senior Interface Architect has set TPJ Systems above other Healthcare Integration Consultants. Josh is a forward thinking interface developer who maintains a constant eye on emerging technology. He delivers to all projects insight, enthusiasm, and extensive interface development while preserving excellent client relationships.
As an Interface Developer/Architect Josh contributes a diverse skill set which includes; 7 years of Interface Development experience using Cloverleaf 3.8 5.0, VB6, Tcl, VB.Net, project management experience, team development, established client/vendor relationships, full life cycle development and its continued support.
Joshua’s Achievements
Josh’s background includes close to 20 years of custom interface development using Cloverleaf with Tcl as a programming language. Since November 1998, Josh consistently delivers key leadership to multiple clients for their interface development needs. In fact Josh developed more custom interfaces for a specific client than any other developer (on-site and consultants). Josh cultivates an excellent rapport with hospital clients, vendors, management, and other developers.